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Hello World !

Loïc RODRIGUEZ cv.rodriguez-loic.me/en/

Resume - Back-End Web Developer (PhP)

 * Developer creation
$developer = new Developer();
$developer->lastName = 'RODRIGUEZ';
$developer->firstName = 'Loïc';
$developer->birthday = new DateTime('1990-03-01');
$developer->job = 'Back-end web developer (PHP)';
$developer->experienceYears = 11;
$developer->passion = 'Computer';

Careers and grades


  • Diploma
  • Experiences
  • Selected
  1. 2024


    Let's go together

    Your company will gain from my skills and will give me a new experience.
    My passion for computer and my curiosity are a motivation to progress; which will benefit your business directly.
    Judicious and with good analysis skills, I like to meet new challenges.

  2. 2015

    GIMO gimo.co.uk

    Full stack web developer - Backend Cashier Lead

    • November 2015 - Now
    • London, United-Kingdom
    • Use of Code Igniter Framework
    • Use of Phalcon Framework
    • Worked with AngularJS and Angular
    • Worked with payment methods
  3. 2013

    Nethik www.nethik.fr (Proprietary CMS: www.meabilis.fr)

    Back-end web developer (PhP)

    • July 2013 - July 2015
    • Argelès-sur-Mer, France
    • Mac OS X environment (development purpose) and Debian environment (production server) mostly.
    • Project management and versioning with Redmine and Mercurial. PSR standards compliance.
    • Meabilis (Nethik's CMS) back-end RESTful adaptation.
    • Meabilis new functions creation and tests.
    • Orléans Economics Laboratory's back-end creation with Laravel framework.
    • Meabilis bugs fixes and some front-end tasks.
  4. 2012

    French Air Army

    NCO student

    • 2012 October - 2013 May
    • Rochefort, France
    • Hierarchy respect
    • Punctuality
    • Making decisions under pressuring conditions
  5. 2011

    High National Diploma

    Management computing

    • June 2011
    • Website creation with MVC pattern and Oriented Object Programmation
    • Learn to separate personnal life from professional one.

× Pass the cursor on a timeline point to get a detailled view of the concerned formation/experience.

× Pass the cursor on a skill to get a detailled view.

Working skills

  • PHP/MySQL - 95%
    • OOP and MVC pattern mastery
    • PDO and SQL queries mastery
    • Constant knowledge monitoring
    • Strong interest for different frameworks
    • PSR-2 standards compliance
    • SQL queries optimization
  • HTML/CSS - 80%
    • Semantic and indentation compliance
    • W3C standards compliance
    • Bootstrap, Foundation and Materialize frameworks use
    • Responsive and cross-browser design
    • Loading optimization (minification, end page javascript inclusion, etc...)
    • I still prefer back-end work
  • JS/Ajax - 70%
    • Improve and dynamise website navigation
    • JQuery library use
    • AJAX queries and JSON processing use
    • Use of AngularJS and Angular frameworks

PHP Frameworks

  • Laravel - 50%
    • Back-end creation for the Orléans Economics Laboratory
    • Regularly used for personal projects
  • Phalcon - 75%
    • I'm now self-educating on this framework working on a personal project.
    • Also used the framework with one project while working at GIMO.
  • Symphony 2 - 5%
    • I'm now self-educating on this framework.

Additional skills

  • Linux - 95%
    • Apache (LAMP) server installation and configuration with virtual hosts (VHost) and SSL certificates
    • (Postfix/Dovecot) mail server installation and configuration
    • DNS server (with Bind9) installation and configuration
    • Administration tools (PhpMyAdmin, PostfixAdmin, Snorby, RoundCube) installation and configuration
    • SSH/SSHFS installation and configuration
    • Users rights management
    • Good notion of shell (especially bash)
    • Notion of IDS and firewall (iptables and snort) configuration
    • Already used: Archlinux, Debian, Ubuntu, Slax and a bit Fedora and Gentoo
    • Archlinux preference
  • Foundation - 80%
    • Framework common use
    • Classes, style print and media queries mastery
    • I never used SASS/Compass tools
  • jQuery - 80%
    • Library advanced use
  • Bootstrap - 70%
    • Framework basic use


  • French
    • Mother tongue
  • English
    • Technical and advanced knowledge
  • Spanish
    • Good knowledge

Personal hobbies

  • French boxing
  • Video games
  • Cooking
  • Mangas, movies and TV series
  • New technologies
  • Security and computers